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The Life Guard Program
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Introduction to The Life Guard Program
Video Introduction and Course Overview
Intro Video 1: Steve Klein Welcome Video to the Life Guard Program (3:28)
Intro Video 2: What to expect in this course (8:02)
Intro Video 3: Overcoming Difficulties (2:29)
Intro Video 4: Taking it to the NEXT Level ! - Your 1st Step on your Life Guard Journey (3:15)
Resources / Steve Klein Life-Line Workbook PDF
Lesson 1 - The Life Guard Program Course Introduction (2:53)
Lesson 2: The Need for a Life Guard (5:48)
Lesson 3: Dealing with Stress (2:41)
Lesson 4: Things that are Out of Our Control (1:14)
Lesson 5: Benefits of This Course (4:17)
Lesson 6: Getting the Most out of this Course (1:06)
Wrap Up Video and Section 1 Closing (0:44)
Lesson 1: Dealing with Difficult Times (3:44)
Lesson 2: 3 Steps to Identify Difficulty (2:51)
Lesson 3: EXERCISE - List Top 3 Issues You are Facing (1:07)
Lesson 4: Identify Difficulties - Homebase and Getting Grounded (3:30)
Lesson 5: 5 Things that Bring You Joy and Peace (3:08)
Lesson 6: Returning to Your Home Base - Family and Friends (1:07)
Lesson 7: Physical Exercise for Getting Grounded (2:18)
Lesson 8: Treating Yourself (3:43)
Lesson 9: EXERCISE - Treating Yourself (0:49)
Lesson 10: Importance of Meditation and Forgiveness introduction (4:22)
Lesson 11: Closing of Section 2 (1:04)
SECTION 3 Intro Video Message from Steve (1:32)
Lesson 1: Section 3 Introduction & Identifying Difficulties (2:46)
Lesson 2: Examples of Difficulties in Career (9:54)
Lesson 3: EXERCISE - Identify What's Bothering You at Work or in Your Career (2:46)
Lesson 4: Override and Overwrite (2:06)
Lesson 5: The 5 Steps to Overriding and Overwriting (5:02)
Lesson 6: EXERCISE - List Your Overrides and Overwrites (1:27)
Lesson 7: Emotional Intelligence (4:20)
Lesson 8: Handling Rumors and Misrepresentations (4:26)
Lesson 9: Dealing with Loud People (4:17)
Lesson 10: Critical Emotions (1:40)
Lesson 11: Reducing the Ego (1:59)
Lesson 12: Family Difficulties and Keeping Ego in Check (5:10)
Lesson 13: The Tipping Point (4:49)
Lesson 14: Dealing with Difficulties in Relationships (2:27)
Lesson 15: Dealing with Difficulties in Family (6:22)
Lesson 16: EXERCISE - Override and Overwrite Difficulties (4:56)
Lesson 17: Examples of Overrides and Overwrites (6:26)
Lesson 18: The 7 Cycles of Difficult Times (3:00)
Lesson 19: The 5 Steps to Reversing Negative Patterns of Difficult Times (11:00)
Lesson 20: Section 3 Closing Takeaways and Final Notes (4:50)
Closing Video Message from Steve for Section 3 (0:53)
Lesson 1 - Section 4 Introduction and Course Recap (5:14)
Lesson 2 - Getting Grounded Introduction (3:55)
Lesson 3 - 5 Steps to Becoming More Grounded (9:06)
Lesson 4 - SHIELD of Protection (4:18)
Lesson 5 - Giving to Yourself and Others (3:47)
Lesson 6 - Building Up Your Energy Reserves - Physical Health and Exercise (3:54)
Lesson 7 - Building Up Your Energy Reserves - Eating Right (4:56)
Lesson 8 - Building Up Your Energy Reserves - Sleep (6:55)
Lesson 9 - Finding the Calm within the Storm (4:50)
Lesson 10 - Going with the Flow (5:18)
Lesson 11 - Becoming a Better You (1:33)
Lesson 12 - Power of Forgiveness and Letting Go (2:45)
Lesson 13 - Why its Difficult for Some to Forgive (1:45)
Lesson 14 - Forgiveness - The Spiritual Connection (3:03)
Lesson 15 - The Forgiveness Meditation (7:45)
Lesson 16 - Responses and Reactions (3:22)
Lesson 17 - More Ways to Get Grounded (10:17)
Lesson 18 - Section 4 Closing Comments (1:12)
Section 4 Closing Video Message from Steve (1:43)
Video Intro Message from Steve (1:30)
Lesson 1 - Section 5 Introduction and Course Review (2:36)
Lesson 2 - The Science of Meditation (3:43)
Lesson 3 - The Spiritual Connection to Meditation (2:09)
Lesson 4 - Ways to Meditate (3:09)
Lesson 5 - Guided Meditation Introduction (4:40)
Lesson 6 - The Guided Meditation Session (10:56)
Lesson 7 - The 7 Steps to a Good Meditation (6:45)
Lesson 8 - Meditation Wrap Up (1:43)
Lesson 1 - Section 6 Introduction (2:47)
Lesson 2 - Know Thy Self (2:21)
Lesson 3 - What Kind of Surfer Are You (3:28)
Lesson 5 - Exercise - List Your Strengths (1:44)
Lesson 6 - Exercise - Challenges and Opportunities (5:29)
Lesson 7 - Exercise - Goals Brainstorming (2:50)
Lesson 8 - Exercise - Goals Priorities and Accomplishments (3:54)
Lesson 9 - Goals With Gratitude (3:50)
Lesson 10 - Goals and Visualization (3:01)
Lesson 11 - Goals Faith and The Quantum Field (4:09)
Lesson 12 - The Power of a Smile (4:11)
Lesson 13 - The 7 Steps for Manifesting Through Meditation (7:29)
Lesson 14 - You are Unique - Do What Works for You (2:19)
Lesson 15 - Section 6 Final Message (0:58)
Video Closing Message for Section 6 (1:41)
Lesson 1 - Section 7 Introduction (1:57)
Lesson 2 - Preventing Old Habits from Returning (5:39)
Lesson 3 - Guilt Be Gone (2:44)
Lesson 4 - The Lighthouse of Love (7:58)
Lesson 5 - Letting Go (3:21)
Lesson 6 - Example of Letting Go (3:40)
Lesson 7 - Be in the Moment (2:17)
Lesson 8 - Laughter and Positive Associations (1:49)
Lesson 9 - A Story on Laughter (1:41)
Lesson 10 - Positive Associations of Music (4:12)
Lesson 11 - Connection to Others (3:00)
Lesson 12 - Hearing and Listening (2:56)
Lesson 13 - HEAR (4:39)
Lesson 14 - Planning our Next Voyage (2:04)
Lesson 15 - Course Closing and Final Message (3:58)
Closing Section
Closing Video Message from Steve Klein (1:22)
Course Survey & Feedback
Lesson 16: EXERCISE - Override and Overwrite Difficulties
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